Mechanical and Electrical Parts
We provides a wide array of Electrical and Mechanical Spare parts in the region. We offer a wide range of electrical and mechanical spare parts and accessories. The products are highly competitive in quality and pricing.
Contact Sales- Plugs and Sockets
- 9V battery powered
- Easy to install
- Low profile design
- Superior immunity to false alarms caused by dust or insects. Easy to verify by checking the LED indication
- Built-in alarm buzzer and radio transmitter
- Low battery beep warning
Smoke Detector

- Detects LPG and LNG
- Detects Built-in alarm buzzer and radio transmitter
- Detects 120V or 230V AC power
- Triggers auto dialer remotely to call for help. With neck chain. Answers incoming call remotely
- Designed for the handicapped and old people
- Arms & Disarms system remotely
- Triggers emergency siren
- Away, Disarm, Home and Panic buttons
- Control a system remotely

- Controls remotely. 9V battery powered, with low battery self-detection.Very low power consumption.
- Backlit feature for operating in the dark. User programmable pass code
- Lock up automatically when unauthorized access continuously
- Built-in tamper switch
All our products undergo rigorous quality control as per industry norms to meet the standard specifications. Critical products are tested on special testing equipment to check for performance and durability. We maintain technical details for all electrical and mechanical components.
- Alternators
- Chain Drive Systems
- Coolers
- Crankshafts
- Cylinder Block
- Motors
- Oil Pump
- Valve & Valve Spring
- Cylinder Head
- Engine Modules
- Fuel Injectors
- Hydraulic Circuit
- Hydraulic Pumps
- Pistons
- Seal Kits
Electrical Parts
- Battery Chargers & Holders
- Cable Ties
- Capacitors
- Circuit Breakers
- Converters
- Diodesv
- Invertors
- Semi Conductors
- Sockets
- Switches
- Line Cords
- Plugs
- Power Cords
- Rectifiers
- Relays
- Resistors
- Terminals
- Transducer
- Transformers